
Active substanceStreptomyces sp., (titre 1х107 - 1х1010)

Substance possesses strong antimicrobial and antifungal action, affecting reproductive system of fungi and the cell membrane of bacteria.

Prevents deseases development and improves nutrition (fixes atmospheric nitrogen, mobilizes hard-to-reach forms of phosphorus and potassium), it contains such amino acids as glycine, L‑proline, Alanine, L‑valine, L‑isoleucine, L‑leucine, L‑tyrosine, L‑phenylflanin and L‑lysine.

Strain Streptomyces spp. MBS-1, isolated from perennials rhizosphere.

It is set up in the depository of IMV of National Academy of Science of Ukraine by the number (IMV Аs-5034), in accordance with the current normative documentation.

Application scope

It is used on crops of grain, oil, technical, cereals, vegetables, fruit and berry crops for their protection against the following diseases:

  • fungal: snow mold – Microdochium nivale, rusty cereal diseases – Puccinia spp., powdery mildew – Erysiphe graminis, leaf septoriosis – Septoria tritici, fusarium ear blight – Fusarium spp., cercosporosis – Cercospora beticola, alternariosis – Alternaria alternata, peronosporosis – Peronospora spp., root rot – Fusarium spp.;
  • bacterial: winter crops bacteriosis – Pseudomonas syringae, Xanthomonas translucens, bacterial soybean blight – Pseudomonas glycinea, black root of beet sprouts – Pseudomonas fluorescens, Erwinia sp., potatoes ring rot – Clavibacter sepedonicum, tomato bacterial cancer – Clavibacter michiganensis, angular leaf spot – Pseudomonas syringae, vascular bacteriosis – Xanthomonas campestris, fire blight – Erwinia amylovora, etc.

Application rates of Cydox Pro

Processed culture Application
rate, l/ha
Cereals and industrial crops 2,5 – 5,0 l/ha
Potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes,
pepper, cabbage, cucumbers
2,5 – 5,0 l/ha
Fruits and berries 3,0 – 6,0 л/га
Grape 2,0 – 6,0 l/ha
Cucumbers, tomatoes and other
closed soil cultures
2,0-5,0 l/ha

Compatibility with other substances: compatible with all known pesticides, can be used in tank mixtures with other solutions.

Phytopathogenicity and phytotoxicity, evidence of pest resistance formation: not phytotoxic, effectiveness of the solution ranges within 80-90%, diseases resistance with long-term use has not been observed.

Hygienic recommendations for safe use: workers are allowed to enter treated area in 24 hours after application, suspension period before harvesting - 15 days.