In recent years nanotechnology is being actively implemented in various spheres of agricultural production in developed countries: USA, Israel, Germany and the UK. The most promising direction of nanotechnologies introduction in these countries is the development of new micro-fertilizers, plant growth regulators, fungicides and others.

Міneralis Ukraine LLC is the leading domestic manufacturer of liquid complex polymicronutrient Nano-Mineralis, Micro-Mineralis and biologics Bio-Mineralis (Inoculum of soya+Me), TestaLyp, TestaRaps, Scarado-M and others.

Microelements in plants take part in physiological processes, catalysis and synthesis at  atomic level. Micro-molar concentration of metal ions in plants is enough for their normal functioning. Microfertilizers, developed by Mineralis Ukraine LLC contain macro- and microelements, which are produced with innovative plasma impulse technology, with a high chemical purity and physiological activity. They participate in processes of electron transfer, enhance effectiveness of enzymes, produce  ammonia nitrogen from nitrates, intensify cell respiration, photosynthesis, synthesis of enzymes and amino acids, carbohydrate and nitrogen exchange and therefore directly affect the mineral nutrition of plants.

Nano-Mineralis is a liquid complex microfertilizer, which contains nanocarboxylic acids of Cu, Zn, Mg, Mn, Co, Mo, Fe, Se, Ge, Nd and is used for presowing processing of cereals, legumes and vegetable seeds  with rate of application 0.05 - 0.3 l/t, and also for foliar (leaf) feeding of cereals, legumes and vegetables with rate of application of 0.05 - 0.1 l/ha. It promotes  growth and development of root system and vegetative organs of plants, is an excellent energizer, has growth-regulating properties, and increases effects of pesticides and agrochemicals.

Micro-Mineralis is a liquid complex microfertilizer, which contains ammonium-carboxylate chelates of Mo, Mg, Mn, Cu, Co, Fe, Zn, B, I, K, R, N, that provides a significant crop growth and increases quality when foliar (leaf) nutrition of cereals, pulses and vegetable crops with rate of application from 1.0 to 1.5 l/ha Trademark Micro-Mineralis  combines a number of specialized fertilizers for major agricultural crops and a wide range of single-application products.

Bio-mineralis (Soya inoculum + ME) is an innovative combination of inoculums and minerals, the active ingredient of which is live bacteria Rhizobium japonicum activated with nanocarboxylic acids of Co, Mo, Mg. It is used for presowing treatment of soybean seeds with rate of application  1.5 l/t. Thanks to its latest formulation fertilizer significantly increases productivity, facilitates absorption of macro- and microelements from soil, enriches soil with nodule bacteria and improves quality of cultivated production.

TestaLyp – is an adhesive for pesticides and agrochemicals, created by combination of biopolymers and surface-active substances (SAS). This product improves the action of chemical and biological plant-protection agents, reduces losses from evaporation and runoff.

TestaRaps – is a biopolymer that prevents cracking of pods and beans and is characterized by stability and provides effective action. It promotes maturation and conservation of crops due to formation of polymeric film.

Scarado-M – is a bioinsecticide. This is a new word in biosecurity of plants and protection against leaf-eating and lepidopteran pests of vegetable crops and fruit plantations. This product is safe for environment and people, does not cause resistance in pests; application is possible in any stage of cultures’ development, provides eradication of various aged larvae of most species of Lepidoptera and leaf-eating pests.

Bio-Міneralis (biofertilizer-bio fungicide) includes nitrogen-fixing, phosphor-mobilizable. potassium-mobilizable and bio-fungicidal microorganisms, as well as biocolloidal sticky gene complex of microelements in nanoscale. One of the primary purposes of Bio-Мineralis is the normalization of soil microflora and highest possible weakening of pathogenic microflora, which is manifested through secretion of antibiotics and specific enzymes, that destroy the structure of pathogens, which are causative agent of certain diseases.

Bio-Міneralis (cellulose destructor) is intended for stubble and soil treatment after harvesting of agricultural crops. Accelerates decomposition of plant residues, improves soil fertility due to enrichment of its nutrients and development of specific micro flora. Eliminates pathogens that are transmitted into the soil through plant residues. Increases crop productivity by 10-30%.