Micro-Міneralis (Potassium) is an innovative microfertilizer, intended for foliar fertilizing of crops, which are sensitive to shortage of potassium.
Micro-Міneralis (Potassium) microfertilizer composition,
ammonium-carboxylate chelates, %
К |
N |
3,0 |
2,0 |
Potassium in plants life
Potassium deficiency affects primarily the development of reproductive organs. Development of seeds’ germs is delayed, and the resulting seeds are of poor quality.
External signs of plants’ potassium shortage are manifested on leaves in an upward manner: starting from edges, leaves prematurely turn yellow, then brown, (sometimes with red or rusty intersperses), take form of burned and die. Lack of potassium leads to uneven cells’ growth, that provokes corrugating of leaves. Potatoes’ leaves are being covered with typical bronze film. Lack of potassium visually becomes noticeable usually in the middle of growing season, when fertilizing is no more effective.
Micro-Міneralis (Potassium) microfertilizer significantly increases resistance of plants to adverse weather conditions, therefore is essential in areas of risk farming.
- Helps plants endure temporary drought.
- Improves frost resistance.
- Positively influences on photosynthesis.
- Increases resistance to lodging.
Application rates of Micro-Міneralis (Potassium)
Processed culture |
Norm |
Stage of culture development |
Maximum number of |
Winter wheat, |
1,0-1,5 l/ha |
tillering stage, booting stage, |
3 |
Sunflower |
1,0-1,5 l/ha |
stage of 5-7 pairs of leaves, two following processing every 7-10 days |
2 |
Corn |
1,0-1,5 l/ha |
stage of 3-7 leaves, repeat in 2 weeks |
2 |
Rapeseed |
1,0-1,5 l/ha |
booting stage, budding stage |
2 |
Soya, peas |
1,0-1,5 l/ha |
3-5 leaves, budding stage, |
3 |
Sugar beet |
1,0-1,5 l/ha |
Before closing of crops, before closing of spacing |
2 |
Potato |
1,0-1,5 l/ha |
booting stage, budding stage |
2 |
Tomatoes |
1,0-1,5 l/ha |
rooting stage, budding stage, |
3 |
Application rates of working solution: 200-300 l/ha for field crops.